Proportional message

"Only education sets you free."

Our Mission

Support socially disadvantaged groups through the humanistic values of education


We support people with disadvantaged backgrounds through the development of humanist education values, to improve the integral development of the individual, both personally and collectively. We intend to contribute to the creation of educational, practical and research environments where the social, emotional and cognitive areas can be developed, for the realization of human potential.

Our Vision

We recognize that lifelong learning and non-formal education with adults and marginalized communities are the key to developing social, emotional and cognitive competences and, simultaneously, the personal fulfillment of individuals. Aiming at holistic development, we undertake to promote and develop positive transformations in society and facilitate access to learning opportunities.

Our Projects

We develop education and training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and lectures aimed at improving the level of key competences and skills of marginalized people, in order to promote their social inclusion.
