This project is supported under the European Erasmus+ programme


The project “THRIVE” promotes the use of Interactive Infographics to Build Social and Civic Competences in the Migrant Women.

The extent and success of integration can be measured by the degree of parity or equality of outcomes with other members of the receiving or host community. The project directly addresses this "parity gap" by developing educational and innovative solutions to actively bring people and cultures together, and help migrant women realise their true civic and social potential through education.

The project developed the following educational resources:

Interactive infographics - access to learning content via QR codes that can be activated via the camera on any smartphone. They provide the perfect framework for developing innovative learning resources that will be appealing and accessible to migrants and third-country nationals.

These interactive infographics will include 4 different but complementary learning elements in the form of video, quiz, digital breakout and a WebQuest challengeby bringing the person directly to the learning content at the click of a button!

Interactive infographics are available at introductory and advancedcreating progression routes for everyone.

To find out more about our project, visit us at:

GSVO 95 – Générations Solidaires Val d’Oise 95 → France

Skills Elevation FHB → Germany

Speha Fresia → Italy

Spectrum Research Centre → Ireland

